Education Exploring Communication Theory, by K. Floyd, P. Schrodt, L. Erbert and A. Trathewey, Progressive Reading Education in America, by Patrick Shannon, Motivating Children with Specific Learning Difficulties, by G. Elbeheri, G. Reid and J. Everatt, Learning Disorders, by Peter Westwood, The Really Useful Book of Science Experiments, by Tracy-ann Aston, Education Studies, by Dave Trotman, Roger Willoughby and Helen Lees, Remix the context, by Mark Amerika, Becoming a Growth Mindset School, by Chris Hildrew, From ‘Aggressive Masculinity’ to ‘Rape Culture’, by Liz Jackson and Michael A. Peters, Theoretical Models and Processes of Literacy, by D. Alvermann, N. Unrau, M. Sailors and R. Ruddell
Social Sciences Inequality in U.S. Social Policy, by Bryan Warde, Media Effects and Society, by Elizabeth Perse and Jennifer Lambe, Working with Ethnic Minorities and Across Cultures in Western Child Protection Systems, by Pooja Sawrikar, Customer Relationship Management, by R. Galka and R. Baran, Communicating Ethically, by W. Neher and P. Sandin, Sociology, Work and Organisation, by Tony Watson, The Political Economy of Latin America, by Peter Kingstone, 'Dear Friend, You Must Change Your Life', by Ada Bronowski, Wonder Woman, by Joan Ormrod, Sojourner Truth: Prophet of Social Justice USA, by Isabelle Richman, Children, Youth and Development, by Nicola Ansell
Psychology Inner World Outside, by Paul Holmes, Attachment-Informed Grief Therapy, by P. Kominsky and J. Jordan
Geography, History and Tourism Local and Regional Development, by A. Pike, A. Rodriguez-Pose, and J. Tomaney, Business Analytics, by Dinabandhu Bag, The Solo Video Journalist, by Matthew Pearl, Drones, by Harrison G. Wolf, The Reinvention of Britain, by Scott Newton, Urban Geography, by Tim Hall and Heather Barrett, The European World 1500-1800, by Beat Kumin, Business Events, by Dr Rob Davidson, European Revolutions and the Ottoman Balkans, by Professor Dimitris Stamatopoulos